Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? 01

This took a fair bit longer than expected, with all blame on my part. Next episode should hopefully be out much faster. More after the break.

We’re hiring skilled fansubbers. Must be able to bench press at least 100kg. If this sounds like you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

I used to follow the manga, and I’m pretty happy with how this first episode as turned out. One bit of information from the show that I don’t quite agree with is about half-squats (though they were essentially doing full squats during the segment anyway). While they definitely do have a place in work-out routines to place further emphasis on your quads and overload your CNS, I would not recommend beginners to do them as their sole and only leg workout. If you feel uncomfortable with full squats at first, just hit the leg press and practice some bodyweight squats at home, but to be honest, no one is going to judge a newbie who’s still learning.